Sunday, March 3, 2013

Glogster Post

Uses in the Classroom:
The uses for Glogster posts within the classroom would allow for students and teachers to evaluate the knowledge of a lesson taught. It could be used to allow for creative students to express their thoughts in a safe, uncritical arena. This type of multimedia also will give students practice working with an online medium in order to use their understanding of topics taught.

Issues to Consider:
Teachers will need to sign up for an account that will allow them to register students as well. Teachers would be expected to monitor student work and teach strategies that students would be able to use when building their glogs. Student and teacher computers should be able to support Glogster and there should be a way for students and teachers to save works that can be embedded onto their glogs. Lots of professional development, support, and practice will benefit teachers and adminstrators alike.

Cannistraci, Loretta. "The value of instructional technology in a K-12 district." Distance Learning. 8.1 (2011): n. page. Web. 3 Mar. 2013. .

Glogster EDU site:

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Mind Mapping: Harriet Tubman

Uses in the Classroom:
Students could use this type of multi-media form to demonstrate their knowledge of an inspirational African American during the celebration of Black History Month. Students will view this sample and then decide from a list of inspirational people. Students will then research and write up connections to their person to personal and national events of importance.

Issues to Consider:
Students will need to have practice is using and reading this type of mapping. Student labs should be able to support this media. A lesson in copyright of images and information will have to be taught or reviewed.


Harriet Tubman. (2013). The Biography Channel website. Retrieved 05:09, Feb 24, 2013, from
N.d. images. Sun. 24 Feb 2013.


Sunday, February 17, 2013

Photo Editing

Uses in the Classroom:
Students will search for a copyright friendly image of the United States in the early colonization era within the internet. As they discover their image, they will need to analyize the importance their image has for colonization. Using Photoshop students will change the image to depict the message they want their audience to understand. Changes can be of color, addition of text, or cropping. Once the students have finished they will print them out with the schools color printer and publish their photo by matting it within their Art Class. The publishing of this piece will include their name, image title, image source, and a short caption that relates to their message of early colonization.

Issues to Consider:
1. Student computers and district must be able to support Photoshop software.
2. Students should have some practice of software before using it to publish.
3. Images found by students must be approved by instructor. Looking for licensing/copyright information.
4. Student computers must be able to print out to local color printer. (District networking needed)
5. Art teacher and Core instructor may need to work together on this assignment since it may take time out of both classrooms.

The image below is an example of what students can do with their choices.

IMG_0209           “Family Promise of Irving Gala”  by DMHinIrving

Black & White with Text: 
Color Replacement:
Crop & Brightness/Contrast:

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Reading Month Infographic

Uses in the Classroom:
This Infographic will be used to advertise our March is Reading Month celebration. This image can be used as a poster or sent to parents through the school's website or email addresses.

This type of graphic can also be used to as a tool that students can use to make images about lessons learned in class such as Social Studies, Science, or even Math skills.

Issues to Consider:
The Infographic software used is manageable for every student computer. There seemed to be some frustration in how to use the software at first, but after much practice teacher and student would be able to edit and build graphics to relay their messages.

N.d. image. Web. 9 Feb 2013.
N.d. image. Web. 9 Feb 2013.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Screencast: Adventure Story Mountain

Uses in the Classroom:
Story Mountains were introduced at the beginning of the year in both Reading and Writing class. This strategy helps students to visually see how a story is built and also the steps needed to build a story.

Students and teachers can use this screen cast to practice story mountains either in the classroom or during their lab time. Students will follow the cast with either their hard copy or screen copy in the lab and fill out the mountain along with the cast. Students will be able to review this skill over and over from home or school on their own time through the classroom homepage.

This lesson will actually be used after students have learned the many pieces needed to build an adventure story through their adventure unit. This would become an Independent Practice activity with some "Think-Pair-Share" time during Writing Workshop.

Story Mountains are taught and used within our MAISA Writing Units that are aligned with the Common Core.

Issues to Consider:
One issue to consider is when to use this cast. It could be used for your fast learners who are ready for the next step and do not need a teacher or para one-on-one to get started.

Another issue could be the technology, a teacher using this screen cast would have to have the projector or lab capabilities in order for this cast to be successful.

Finally, the whole strategy of "Story Mountain" would have to be already taught prior to this lesson. This is definitely a lesson taught after much practice.

Nicksay, D. (Producer) (2003). Agent cody banks [Theater]. Available from

Screen cast: Adventure Story Mountain

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Digital Storytelling

Uses in the Classroom:
Poems Provide Personal Images. Students will design a digital story using a poem from a childhood collection supplied by the teacher. They will read the poem thoroughly and write down images that each line/stanza portrays for them. Students will be asked to bring in or find a collection of their own pictures or images that illustrate their feelings. Students will sequence the images and load them into the "Movie Maker" software. With their microphone headset they will record themselves reading their poem with each line/stanze matching their image chosen.

Issues to Consider:
Technology. Student computers should have "Movie-Maker" loaded onto it and the software works. Each student should have a microphone headset to record their voice or private time with their computer's built-in microphone.
Images. Students need to bring in their own images via hard or downloadable copy. If the images are not their own, students will need to have permission to use it or the copyright information so that the correct artists are being acknowledged.

The example poem is "Believe in Yourself" by Anonymous. Photographs by Chad and Amy Klopf, 2013. Subjects are Ty and Parker Klopf (sons of the photographers) and Kaitlyn Pnacek (family friend).

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Talking Photograph

Assignment: Talking Photograph
Uses in the Classroom: This image can be used in discussion with the trading amongst the colonists and other countries. It can also be used to illustrate the conditions in which African slaves were treated when brought by ship. An advanced activity might be to demonstrate how to make their own talking photograph.
Issues to Consider: Due to many of the subjects in the photograph are very small you may want to zoom in after or during the caption. When teaching how students can make their own you may want pictures already loaded into student files for them to use and have the microphone/headphones for each child. Students will also want to have their caption written down and practiced before publishing.
Copyrights: IRC, (2005). Slaves in the British Slave Ship Brookes. [Image}. Available from